
Pandemonium erupts as the bespectacled Jabberwock unleashes chaos, inciting revolts and defying hatted individuals. The Elders join the mayhem, demanding the music to stop. Amid the disorder, the demonoid picotent plays chess with the ghost of Lao Tzu. The Jabberwock, an unstoppable force, causes mayhem and then reseeds, ready to begin again.

In the Alterations

In the Alterations In all the days of itWe worked and we toiledWe of the silting up of the worksIn the alterationsIn the alterations of we all the small onesIn the alterations of we all the small ones we wokeIn the alterations of time we sought a chance. In the alterations of time we sought […]

Demonoid Spake Thus

It was ever thus so, ever thus so and so, or so-so, as the case may be and if not it was trauma. In the sideways glance of time, as the case may be, or if not it was, we were in the letter of the law, but in it we took off into the night,

Acknowledgement to Juliana Spahr for the influence of her book “Well Then There Now”

Some info on stylistic influences on his 2017 book, ‘Synaptic Syntactic’, particularly a book by Juliana Spahr called Well Then There NOw. The characters’ names of ‘We all the Small Ones’ and ‘Demonoid Picotent’ were derived from Spahr’s work. Talk on the use of repetition and distorting texts using machine translations.

The Aeon Waits

[…] But demonoid spoke otherwise, saying it was time for new stories, not old / Demonoid spake thus: / “In swathes of eternal peace we sleep until we are ready / The gloaming takes on no characteristics of the dawn / The Aeon waits with bodies for us to be recreated, for we were never born / All down the aisles of eternity like a supermarket / We grow in certainty until it is time / It was ever thus and so, and shall be, despite contradiction / But see end user license agreement and mortgage terms […]