Update to: GoFundMe: Buy 1,000 Postcard Stamps and Defeat Fascism!

Update copied from my website https://www.savetheoxygen.org/blog.html: — [11/28/2023 update] the GoFundMe link previously listed is still up but has somehow retroactively in time become unassociated with any email address I control. I will later be creating a new one. As of now as far as I can see, no one has given anything to the […]

Ukraine has pronounced 11/22 as Dignity and Freedom day it seems

https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1726858317803204732 a powerful speech for all the world from ukraine’s president. apparently this newly pronounced Dignity and Freedom Day is the anniversary of the 2004 and 2014 revolutions as well as the 60th anniversary of JFKs assassination. I don’t remember very much about the 2004 thing Featured photo source Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

GoFundMe: Buy 1,000 Postcard Stamps and Defeat Fascism!

The AI is not wrong: The author is seeking financial aid for an activism project aimed at ensuring Donald Trump’s electoral defeat, among other goals. They have purchased postcards but need assistance to fast-track the acquisition of stamps, which is currently requiring significant financial restraint. The project’s detailed explanation can be found via a provided GoFundMe link. Some images to be included on the postcards cannot fully extend to the edges due to potential printing issues. The author posted this in the early hours of the morning, emphasizing the urgency of their request.

Cryptogram of Cosmic Glue (excerpt)

[…] methodically scribbling, we take for our alpha the zero point void, construct via anti-sense entangling photons, up is down & down is sideways & sideways is topwise & topwise is looking-glass-ways; : What Spirit? World Spirit!! Enduring ever, even if the land people burn out the globesphere & the dolphin people, even so, Mother Gaia, & Spider Mother, they grow a new intelligence; it is as Star Goddess made them; […]


We wake in the morning, or at noon, or the witching hour, rising, sick, or sleepy, or hurried. We make our preparations and take our medications, black coffee, nicotine, whiskey rocks, what have you, running and walking dogs, herding children and scooping after cats. There is no tomorrow, only this synthetic ‘morning’, whatever hour it […]