Wasted Weather, Twister Traffic (new poem)

Wasted Weather, Twister Traffic or Gone By Basement Window Unseen Streaming in through dewy windowBlast of sunlight, snap awakeSleep forgetting all beforeDream of happenings far more terribleWake recalling all the lossesStop the truck make tires screamScattered belongings, bits of plasticNew day ahead to navigate Not wanting to do the work, today, noNot wanting to leave […]

An Adventure It Would Surely Be

[…] Washing over the visions of final judgment with the evolved theory
The trickster spirits intensified their efforts
Puzzling out the power of the sphinx, one wrote of the infamous escape-checkmate-in-three problem and its connection to the popular cubes of puzzle […]


Pandemonium erupts as the bespectacled Jabberwock unleashes chaos, inciting revolts and defying hatted individuals. The Elders join the mayhem, demanding the music to stop. Amid the disorder, the demonoid picotent plays chess with the ghost of Lao Tzu. The Jabberwock, an unstoppable force, causes mayhem and then reseeds, ready to begin again.

“20 Days in Mariupol” streaming free in the United States

“20 Days in Mariupol” streaming free in the United States The winner of the Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary is streaming free on PBS and YouTube in the United States. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/20-days-in-mariupol/ :::::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvAyykRvPBo Be warned there is a lot of extremely graphic and disturbing stuff here. Explosions, injured people, corpses, people in surgery, tears, […]

Recent News Events

They have about forty oil refineries. Haven’t been counting but I think they hit at least ten by now, and the one most recent accounted for a full 10% of production. Built with irreplaceable Western technology and software. In other news, a nation effectively without a navy has driven the russian navy out of the black sea and sevastopol with small sea drones, sinking many ships, and can freely export grain and prevented the weaponization of food inflation, crisis, and famine by russia all over the world.


These layersof old woundspile upand in a weak momenterupt CollapsingA series of firesA nod to the angelsA truckful of illusions Untold storiesripple out across the waterupsetting the bobbing flotsamin a left-handed kind ofSilence From my 2017 book Synaptic Syntactic https://store.bookbaby.com/book/synaptic-syntactic Available direct from my #BookBaby store as well as on major platforms such as #Amazon#BarnesAndNoble#iBooks […]

Easy Em Website Template

The author developed a user-friendly JavaScript menu for small businesses and site owners without advanced coding skills. The menu allows easy customization and is compatible with various devices. The project is available on GitHub under the MIT license. The blog post serves as a portfolio entry, showcasing the expertise in web development and design.

Acknowledgement to Juliana Spahr for the influence of her book “Well Then There Now”

Some info on stylistic influences on his 2017 book, ‘Synaptic Syntactic’, particularly a book by Juliana Spahr called Well Then There NOw. The characters’ names of ‘We all the Small Ones’ and ‘Demonoid Picotent’ were derived from Spahr’s work. Talk on the use of repetition and distorting texts using machine translations.