In the Alterations

In the Alterations

In all the days of it
We worked and we toiled
We of the silting up of the works
In the alterations
In the alterations of we all the small ones
In the alterations of we all the small ones we woke
In the alterations of time we sought a chance. In the alterations of time we sought a maker. In the stillness of time we sought our changes. In the stillness of changes we sought a place to stand. We all the small ones sought our places to stand. In it we of all the were ready to work.
We of all the small ones dreamed of our death
If, as such, it ever was thus and so, we dreamed it
Repetitively we beat this drum
Claiming to see everything they woke with a start
Coming up to claim see everything they woke up in some other’s pants
In the snips of pieces we collaborated on a play of we of all the small ones, dreaming of the day of the night of the day that if (see disclaimer) any were ready, we would dream the dreams of bringing down the moon
Demonoid picotant drew by the side, saying it was good
Our roles were flip-flopped, and the splitcase boy drew by the sidewalk and indicated his dissent and multiplicity
We all the small ones are eating and the land allowed us to eating
Something grasping this way comes

From my 2017 book Synaptic Syntactic available on major platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo, as well as direct from my BookBaby store for $4.99:

Hey! You’re already reading this on a phone, why not get ALL the poems in one neat package? You don’t need some dumb special device like a Kindle to use an ebook file, dont’cha know?

Photo Source by Jasmin Mazarine on Unsplash

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